These are several Ethical Theories that propose a definition of good and justification of human action.
First is Emotivism that claims there are no moral truths. An action is based only in the feeling and emotions of the person. So what is good or bad depends on the feelings. A.J Ayer is the main proponent of emotivism. He belongs to the school of Logical Positivism. It states that language should have corresponding action to reality ex. the term table has a corresponding existence in reality but the term good has no corresponing existence in reality.Ayer states " It is worth mentioning that ethical terms do not serve only to express feelings. They are calculated to arouse feelings, and so to stimulate action. Indeed, some of them are used in such way as to give the sentence in which they occur the effects of command. Thus, the sentence " it is your duty to tell the truth" may be regarded both as expression of the command to tell the truth.
The conclusion is that there is no really objective truth but it depends only on feelings and emotion.
Second is Ethical Subjectivism. It states that moral truths are based only on personal experience. One is right in his actions and be respected of his actions because that what is his opinion and that is what he experiences.Nietzsche advocated this kind of thinking. He says that to follow the tradition, the society and others is immoral. The individual should follow what his opinion tells so. Existentialism also advocates this kind of belief that man defines himself and live according to what he believes. Existence precedes essence.
Third is the Ethical Egoism. It presupposes that reason is the only means to know something including moral truths. So, it advocates that person must act according to their self best interest by using reason.
Ayn Rand is the main proponent of this kind of thinking. She advocates the rational self-interest and also she has a book entitled The Virtue of Selfishness.
Fourth is Utilitarianism. It is similar to Ethical Egoism but on a larger scale. If Ethical Egoism concerns on the individual then Utilitarianism concerns the society. Their slogan is " the greater net happiness for all".
Jeremy Bentham and Joohn Stuart Mill advocate this kind of system. The former reduces utilitarianism into mathematical theory in which a person can calculate his pleasure but the latter focuses on spiritual pleasure. So, Bentham is more of quantitative while Mill is more of qualitative.Fifth is Deontology. The basis for its morality is duty. Immanuel Kant is the proponent of this system. He regards duty as absolute.
Sixth is the Rights Ethics. This is just the other side of Deontology. Rights Ethics emphasizes on the rights of the individual.Seventh is the Natural Law Ethics. Cicero advocates that true law is right reason in agreement with nature, it is of universal application and everlasting, it summons to duty by its commands and averts from wrong doing its prohibitions.
Lastly is the Virtue Ethics. It advocates habits that dispose to good actions. Intellectaul virtues: science, wisdom, prudence and habits of first principle. Moral virtues; prudence, justice, fortitude and temeprance. These are beleif that Virtue Ethics advocates.
These are just some of the Ethical Theories. There are some maybe that I have not included but these are the most common watch this movie and relate what you have learned.
The Island Movie Synopsis
Recently plagued by unexplained nightmares, Lincoln is restless and increasingly questioning of the restrictions placed on his life. But he is unprepared for the truth when his growing curiosity leads to the terrible discovery that everything about his existence is a lie, that The Island is a cruel hoax... and that he, Jordan and everyone they know are actually more valuable dead than alive. With time running out, Lincoln and Jordan make a daring escape to the outside world they've never known. Once they are away from the prying eyes of the institute, the innocent friendship the two shared begins to deepen into something more. But with the forces of the institute relentlessly hunting them down, Lincoln and Jordan have one overriding mission: to live.
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